Aspri Mera Ke Ya Mas

Aspri Mera Ke Ya Mas

等 待 ,不 用 翻 译 。

等 待 ,不 用 翻 译 。

Jon Bach

Jon Bach
童 年 看 太 多 母 亲 有 空 拿 出 来 缅 怀 示 威 一 番 的 私 相 簿 , 他 ‘ 做 女 生 的 时 候 ’ 最 晶 光 四 射 的 状 态 , 每 个 人 一 生 只 得 一 次 的 当 造 季 节 。 。 。

2011年3月23日 星期三

第754回 - Friendship。

A best friend is someone who changes your life just by being part of it.

Someone who makes you laugh until you can’t stop.

Someone who makes you believe that there is really good in the world.

Someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Someone that knows what you’re saying when you don’t say a word.

Someone you can look to in a certain way, and they know exactly what you’re thinking.

Someone you find hardest to say goodbye to.

Someone who knows all about you, and loves you anyway.

Someone who helps you through thick and thin. The first person you go to when you need someone to talk to.

Someone you will call to talk about nothing, or the most important things in your life. They are the shoulder you cry on, because you know that they really care about you.

Someone you would take a bullet for because it would be too painful to watch them get hurt.

Someone that will risk their friendship with you, just to make sure you’re safe and okay.

Someone you can always be around, and never get sick.

