Aspri Mera Ke Ya Mas

Aspri Mera Ke Ya Mas

等 待 ,不 用 翻 译 。

等 待 ,不 用 翻 译 。

Jon Bach

Jon Bach
童 年 看 太 多 母 亲 有 空 拿 出 来 缅 怀 示 威 一 番 的 私 相 簿 , 他 ‘ 做 女 生 的 时 候 ’ 最 晶 光 四 射 的 状 态 , 每 个 人 一 生 只 得 一 次 的 当 造 季 节 。 。 。

2009年3月5日 星期四

第109章 - Endless 遗失车票

现在的我正在听 "Pathétique" Sonata - Adagio Cantabile。心情复杂。


第一,几天之前我遗失了第二个PRADA的tissue case。
第三,我的Ipod Touch发神经。突然间什么都没有了。


最最最令我吃不消的是在apple shop发生这样的事情,而我决定发一封信给他们。。。

Dear Sir/Madam,

I own an Apple itouch and have encountered some problems with it's music library. My itouch doesn't contain any songs even though I have sync-ed it with itunes on my notebook sucessfully. Moreover it states that the memory capacity is half filled.Therefore I brought it down to the Apple service center at Wheelock Place (Singapore) hoping to get help.

My experience there turned out to be very unpleasant as the staff were very unhelpful. After explaining the problem to them, they told me I should restore my itouch. I informed them that I didn't know how to restore it, and that I needed assistance. One of the staff then told me that it would take 1 hour to restore it and it would be faster if I did it myself at home. As a Service Centre, I am shocked that the staff would suggest such a thing to their customer.

Even though they seemed unwilling to help, I decided to wait for them to fix my itouch anyway, as I had rushed down specially after work. Unfortunately they didn't seem to want to assist, and insisted that I should leave since it was close to their closing time.

I am very unhappy with their service, and the staff at the counter seem very irresponsible. Their service attitude was really bad. I hope someone will look into this matter seriously. Thank you.

Matthew Choong


Re: COMPLAINT LETTER; Follow-up: 68694679‏


发送时间: 2009年3月4日 3:00:21


Dear Apple Customer,

Thank you for taking the time to write Apple. Unfortunately, this is not the correct department to address your complaint. For best results, you should contact customer relations to log a formal complaint so that it can be properly logged.

Kind Regards,

Agreement Administration.


通常一般不责任的奸商都是以这一种手法瞒天过海。不用紧,还有case trust。我不会就这样轻易的结束事情。我不是一般的小市民。

今晚,我却拥有人生第三个PRADA tissue case。不知道是开心还是悲哀?




不是公告天下的,只是想为自己 a year in travel,a year in fashion留下一个记录,他日讲起有一个凭证,一年一页,储下十年二三十后,希望可以对比一下,记录个人的moment。




p/s: 如果你知道apple的投诉e-mail或者hotline,请通知我。多谢。

3 則留言:

fufu 提到...


LuckyBoy1420 男孩像我 提到...


迷迭香 提到...

FUFU 也来了哦...

你很哈 PRADA 哦